Formatting in weekly updates in Teams vs mail

Jan-Hendrik Spieth
October 24, 2022

Thanks @Atlas Team, my first project updates with Atlas have been interesting and promising.

One thing I'm still figuring out is weekly update reports/digest in Atlass itsself, vs. in my email inbox and MS Teams.

It seems the mail report contains some details, although not everything (expandable sections are displayed, but can't be expanded). Whereas the MS Teams connector/bot post only gives a short summary for each project.

A summary of sorts would also be nice for the mails, I think. But overall, I'm not sure which one I prefer more and which one I will "use" more. Maybe the differences are actually good, because one my want to "read" the mail report right from the inbox, whereas in Teams, it's really quite ok to go to Atlas right-away.

Anyway, I noticed a few things in the formatting of either report which I would like to suggest to change.

Teams report: icon, font weight, status info

The teams post really just gives the icons, project summary, and status info.


  • I've complained about the icons here. They convey no meaning to me/us, because the icons are generic. The colors attract way too much attention in this report. Imho, looking like they do, the icons are a mere distraction, nothing more.
  • Summary in bold - seems a bit overdone, because there's really no other text that the summaries need to stand out from.
  • "Completed" doesn't stand out like it should, and in fact, the formatting is inconsistent with Atlas UI and Mail report. I think Completed should be rendered bold, green text, light-green bg.


Mail report: Smart links don't look smart

In the mail reports, smart links - well, aren't smart at all - they're just displayed as URL.


That's really a pity! Within Atlas, the smart links display meaningful info with the issue summary and issue status!

Can the mail reports render smart links appropriately, please?


Looking forward to thoughts from the team and other users. Maybe someone else has other formatting proposals?



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