Seeking feedback: Improving the Atlas update composer

Hi community! 

I'm Rachel, a product manager on Atlas and I'm back seeking some more feedback from this group. We're currently exploring how to strengthen the experience of writing an update in Atlas, so that it is easier for a project owner to curate their updates and resultantly, be a more meaningful update for followers to consume.

We know status reporting sucks - so how might we make it a better experience overall for you? 

We'd love your feedback on the problem space and some early conceptual designs. If you have some time, please take a look at the Loom and drop your reactions and comments inline in the video (only 7 minutes long!):

We really appreciate it and hope you enjoy getting a peek into the early thinking process! 



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Amanda Barber
Community Leader
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September 13, 2023

This was a great way to provide a peek at what's to come! 

September 18, 2023

These look like helpful improvements but they don't address our biggest pain point which is the updates always being on Friday. Admins should be able to to change the default update day so that people are prompted at the right time, and so that updates are distributed when they are most needed. 

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