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The Calendar Power

Modern hectic life requires you to follow a busy schedule. There are numerous issues to be resolved, various meetings to attend, team planning to do, and, needless to say, the list goes on and on. It might be difficult, if not impossible, to keep a track of everything. Well, the answer to your problem might be simpler than you thought.

The Company Calendar for Jira could be one of the possible solutions to make your workdays go smooth and well organized.



1.       Visualize and plan Jira based events in calendar view

First, create a calendar and define its permissions.

generalTabCalendarCreation.pngThen, start adding sources.

SourceJira Dates.png2.       Create custom events based on your unique needs, meetings, vacations and leaves, business trips, etc.

Not all company events are based on Jira issues and that’s when the custom sources come handy.

sourceMeetings.png3.       Export calendar data outside your Jira via iCalendar format

This way, you can add your company events to Outlook, Google or other calendar apps. You can also share your company events with others by adding them to any website as an embedded calendar.


 Check out our following FAQs below, and if you still have questions be sure to ask them in the comments.

I want particular Jira issue fields to be displayed on the event

Sure, we understand. That’s why the Jira issue fields are configurable for each source that is based on Jira dates. For instance, you can set the event display for issue key, priority, status, and assignee.


Can I highlight the events of high priority on my calendar?

Yes, you can define the conditional colors for the sources that are based on Jira dates. For example, you can highlight in red the events that are due by the end of the current week.


I don’t feel comfortable with the idea that people outside of my Jira see the event description when I share my company calendar with others. Can I hide the issue description?

Yes, you can set the event description to be hidden when creating a calendar export.


We are a team of IT specialists who follow a healthy lifestyle. We do plank challenges on a daily basis on time that varies from day to day.  What source can we use for our team training events?

For cases like this, we’ve added the possibility to create custom-defined event types.


I have suggestions to share and questions to ask. How can I contact you?

You can reach us directly from the Company Calendar for Jira app or contact our customer support. We value your suggestions and are open to new features.


I’ve tried your app and I like it. Are there any videos to watch to find out more about the app features?

Yes, we’ve created a video playlist for the Company Calendar app on our YouTube channel. Feel free to visit it and provide your feedback. 



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