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Jira Monthly Reports: Employee Productivity & Project Cost Insights

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: The calendar flips to the last week of the month, and suddenly, panic sets in. Timesheets are missing, budget reports are due yesterday, and you're left scrambling to gather accurate data on your team's time and expenses.

If this monthly mayhem resonates with you, it's time to ditch the outdated spreadsheets and embrace a smarter solution – Time and Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud.20.Never-submitting-timesheets-on-time-meme-novo-1.jpg

Why Monthly Tracking is a Pain (and How to Fix It)

  • Manual Data Processing: Spreadsheets, emails, handwritten notes... the monthly data scramble is real. It's time-consuming and a major distraction from your core responsibilities.
  • The "Who Did What?" Mystery: Trying to piece together which team members worked on which tasks and for how long can feel like detective work. And let's not even talk about figuring out the associated costs.
  • Delayed Insights: By the time you finally get your monthly reports sorted, the data is already outdated. It's like trying to steer a ship using yesterday's weather forecast.Without real-time insights, you lack a clear understanding of your project's financial health until it's too late. This can lead to unpleasant surprises, budget overruns, and missed deadlines.

Time & Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud: Your Monthly Reporting Lifeline

Time & Cost Tracker is seamlessly integrated within Jira, it transforms your monthly time and expenses data to insightfull reports:

  1. Effortless Time Logging in Jira: Team members log time directly within Jira issues, making the process intuitive and convenient. No more separate timesheets, no more chasing down missing hours.

  2. Automated Cost Calculation: Say goodbye to manual calculations and spreadsheets. Time and Cost Tracker automatically calculates labor costs based on your team's hourly rates and logged time, ensuring accuracy and saving you valuable time.

  3. Real-Time Project Insights: Gain a real-time view of your project's financial health with dashboards. Monitor your budget, track expenses, and see exactly how much time each team member is spending on specific tasks.

  4. Customizable Monthly Reports: Create tailored reports that give you the exact insights you need. Filter by month, project, team member, or other criteria. Include custom Jira fields for even more granular analysis.

  5. Expense Tracking: Track and categorize all project-related expenses, ensuring that no cost slips through the cracks. Analyze your spending patterns and identify areas for potential savings.

 A Step-by-Step Guide to mothly reports

  1. Set Up Hourly Rates: Go to the "Team" tab in Time and Cost Tracker and define hourly rates for each team member. Remember to adjust effective dates for any rate changes that occur during the month.9601c5ea-2ff3-4fe8-959a-c6fa5eb270e4 (1).png

  2. Encourage Time Logging: Motivate your team to log their time consistently throughout the month. The convenience of the Time Tracker widget within Jira makes it easy for them to do so.53ad351d-6bb6-4cbb-ac2c-3d834e02cbdb.png

  3. Track Expenses: Use the "Expenses" tab to track and categorize project-related expenses. This can be done on an ongoing basis throughout the month.111d9005-3ddd-4a23-a3be-3975a3bda8be.png

  4. Generate Monthly Reports:

    • Time Report: Filter by the desired month and the "Team" view to get a detailed breakdown of each team member's time spent on specific tasks and projects.4b779faf-7a62-4e38-89d6-888e687a4c7b.png

    • Cost Report: Filter by the month and view the "Overview" tab for a visual summary of all costs, including labor costs and expenses. The "Team" and "Expenses" tabs provide further details on individual team member costs and expense breakdowns.

9212735c-c3c8-47b0-9c0d-190149c582f6.pngEmpower Your Project Management with Accurate Data

Stop guessing and start knowing. Time and Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud takes the pain out of monthly time and cost tracking, giving you the insights you need to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and keep your projects on track

Ready to take back control of your monthly reporting? Try Time and Cost Tracker for Jira Cloud today and say goodbye to spreadsheet!



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