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posting test results to TM4J on JIRA Cloud

Narek Hayrapetyan May 12, 2020

Hi I am using WebdriverIO to run my tests(locally) and TM4J in Jira Cloud

Which reporters result is the best for sending in POST request (TM4J documentation for that )?What the request does ,is creating new TestCycle with TestExecutions in it.Currently i am using cucumberjs-json repoter, which generates reports in json format .When i view my execution results in TM4J , there is no additional information(attachments,comments ,etc..) only PASS or FAILE logo on the right bottom side of the page.Maybe there is a problem with reporter and its' output?.For example Allure reporter generates xml format results, which i cant even send .

The option i see to solve this problem, is to create TestCycle with one request and then add TestExecutions with another, into that newly created TesCycle.The needed params for requests i will take from my reporters'   .json format output.But i guess this isn't the best solution ,for such reasons as

  • in my TestExecutions  i cant send attachements (such as screenshots) with request (the only params for request is here )
  • and i think it is too complicated solution.   

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