Hey community! I'm a researcher in the ecosystem and marketplace teams, which means that I work on how apps and integrations support your Atlassian product experience.
I'm hoping you can help me out. I'm really curious about your first app or integration experience with your Atlassian products.
If you're feeling generous, can you comment below to share what your first app (or integration was) and how you came to learn about it?
Peek behind the scenes: I'm working with the teams to help make it easier to discover and learn about apps that can address your workflow challenges.
Really looking forward to reading your comments and appreciate your time!
Thanks, y'all!
My first app was a plugin that injected a new issue view into Jira. Partly for an automation, it generated an xml-ish view of a Jira issue because we couldn't get the data we needed out of the Jira 2 SOAP interface.
The first plugins I identified as potentially useful to that install of Jira were the Jira Toolkit (Atlassian), the Jira Calendar (Atlassian), and a third-party app that died when Jira 4 implemented everything it did better than it did.
My first app was Email this Issue - our teams needed a way of forwarding a ticket to a third party and this fit the bill perfectly
My first app installed and played with was scriptrunner! :D
But apart from it, I think that I have to give credit to jira automation.