I have implemented versions globally (across the projects) using Version Synch plugin. Since, all the projects are sharing same version so it is expected that the tickets of all projects having common release/fix version should come in one column under 2D table at my Jira dashboard. But, things are not going in that way still duplicate columns for version(s) appear in table.
Thanks Nic for your comment.
Yes, I am aware about that (every version in each project is a separate thing, and the gadget reflects that). To overcome this limitation, I had used an add-on called 'Version Synch' with the help of this add-on, I am able to synch version (say Release 4.1.5) of one project (say X) with other projects (say A, B, C..etc.). That's the reason I used the word Global/Common.
Since, added version is proprietary of Project X so, if I rename version 'Release 4.1.5' to 'Release' under project X, new version 'Release' gets reflected to other projects A,B,C..
Can you please advise if there is any way to consolidate the data of duplicate columns (project specific) in one column?
They are not "duplicate" columns. Each version is separate and gets its own column, so each column is rightly representing one individual version.
The add-on you've found synchronises between separate versions, not makes them the same thing (you'd have to rewrite a chunk of Jira to do that)
Without rewriting Jira so that it has global versions, there's nothing I can suggest here. Versions are done by project. If you want a set of issues to use the same versions, they have to be in the same project.
Thanks for your response.
I can not go by creating all tickets under one project as they correspond to different project module.