Viewing a sprint can I see all my issues in a tree view with additional columns e.g. status
I would like to see my sprint like the following (unexpanded)
Sprint 1
Story 1 – Create user accounts.
Story 2 – Transfer money into user account.
Story 3 – Withdraw money from user account.
Bug – Unable to create user account.
Bug – Unable to Transfer money in to user account
Bug - Unable to Withdraw money from user account
I should be able to fully expand the above and view all my sprint artefact, on doing a full expand we should view the following
Sprint 1
Story 1 – Create user accounts.
Task – Create user accounts for qualifying customers.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – code user accounts for qualifying customers.
Subtask – QA - Test code for user accounts for qualifying customers.
Story 2 – Transfer money into user account.
Task – Transfer money into user account.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – code Transfer money into user account.
Subtask – QA - Test code Transfer money into user account.
Story 3 – Withdraw money from user account.
Task – Withdraw money from user account.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – code Withdraw money from user account.
Subtask – QA test code Withdraw money from user account.
Bug – Unable to create user account.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – fix bug.
Subtask – QA – Test bug.
Bug – Unable to Transfer money in to user account.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – fix bug.
Subtask – QA – Test bug.
Bug - Unable to Withdraw money from user account.
Subtask – DEVELOPMENT – fix bug.
Subtask – QA – Test bug.
I should be able to drill down in to the details of all my issues above to view all details.
Also I should have an option to add additional columns with each issue e.g. Status, Time Remaining, Assigned to , etc.
Is this possible? if so how ?
We should be able to view clearly, by at the current sprint board the status of all issues. Issues like Bugs and Tasks for stories should be broken down in to Development tasks and QA tasks, these should be clearly displayed.
All help and advice greatly appreciated.
Thanks this works but does not give me what I want.
Ultimately ease of use is what I want and 'out of the box'.
Frustrated with the navigation i need to do when I want to view issues in a tree view format. Ease of drag n drop between different versions, viewing issues in different version.......
Just trying to different setups. There may be other ways.
At present, Jira does not have out of the box views like the one you need.
The only option for you is to try out various addons available in the marketplace like the one suggested above and you will be able to find the perfect solution.
You can even reach out to the support teams of the addons if you find something missing.