How to create custom Footer with Script Runner

Alvaro Rodriguez
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March 14, 2023

I had to create a custom Footer with only "Impresum" and display it everywhere in Jira. Since I didn't find that much help, I wanted to share my work with the community.

Here the ScriptrRunner Documentation Web Resource.

1. First you need to edit JVM_REQUIRED_ARGS in the file (or .batand add following value



// ExampleJVM_REQUIRED_ARGS='-Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.selector.BasicContextSelector -Dlog4j2.disableJmx=true -Dlog4j2.garbagefree.threadContextMap=true -Dlog4j2.isWebapp=false -Djava.awt.headless=true -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -Dorg.dom4j.factory=com.atlassian.core.xml.InterningDocumentFactory -Dplugin.resource.directories=/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/scripts'


2. Create a new directory "custom-footer" in your scripts directory (for me /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/scripts)

3. Create two new files in the directory:


AJS.toInit(function() { 
// Add new div-Element
const customFooter = AJS.$("<div>")
.attr("id", "custom-footer")

//Create a-Element and set properties
const impressumLink = AJS.$("<a>")
.attr("href", "")
.attr("target", "_blank")
.attr("rel", "nofollow")

// Add the a-Element to the div-Element

// Find the footer-Element
const footerElement = AJS.$("footer");

// Check, if the footer-Element was founded
if (footerElement.length) {
// Add div-Element after footer-Element
} else {
console.error("Footer-Element couldn't be founded");




.custom-footer { 
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.66666667;
text-transform: uppercase;
margin-top: 40px;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 70px

.custom-footer a {
color: #707070 !important;
text-decoration: underline;

.custom-footer a:hover {
color: #0052cc !important;

display: none !important;


4. Restart Jira

5. Create new web resource in ScriptRunner fragments

Note: custom-footer

Context(s): atl.admin

Key: custom-footer



web resource.PNG

You will need to hard refresh your browser to see the changes, or you can set (only in a development instance is recommended).

Please feel free to give me feedback if you have any suggestions :)



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