This discussion is about the Marketplace app - Issue History - to track issue changelog.
How did you find the app?
Through Atlassian Marketplace and Community discussion.
What did you use it for?
As part of audit, we wanted a ticket history report of all changes that have been made in the selected list of issues.
We wanted to monitor issue history for status updates made by each user and have reporting functionality. Using this plugin, we were able to get a Chart view history of the issues we wanted to filter. The change-log provided by Issue History plugin was very useful and we could also extract the report in xlsx/csv to analyse it further as per our requirements.
Which team used it?
Our management reporting team used this plugin to track important project initiatives and other projects status.
What would happen if you didn’t have it?
It would have been an effort to export ticket history, project statistics, see history of issues using native Jira functionality and create reporting required as audit requirements.
What is your favourite app ? or do you use any other plugin for such reporting ? Would like to hear your views/comments/suggestions. Thank you!
Thank you @Yuliia_Borivets__SaaSJet_ for your response, i have posted about the same plugin, this is very useful indeed.