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Email this Issue - Auto Reply

Lisa Gechman-Personal July 28, 2022

Hi - we have an auto reply when an email comes in, is it possible to set up an auto reply to all who were on the original email (if original email has a sender and several others on copy).  This will help "responses" stay on the ticket.  Is that possible? 

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Alexandra Terek August 17, 2022

Hi Lisa,

Even though it is not possible with Email This Issue to send an auto-reply to all recipients from the original email, there could be a workaround for this, if you're willing to try :)

If possible, I'd use Email This Issue to save the sender's and recipients' email addresses to custom fields and at the same time, I'd run a special workflow transition when receiving the email.

This transition should fire a custom event in the post-functions and send an Event notification email from Email This Issue, triggered by the custom event to the recipients in the custom field's value set.

I sure hope this helps, if you need further assistance please open a support request here. :)


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