Tracking page views on Scroll Viewport managed sites with Better Content Archiving

We at Midori put a lot of effort into making our apps compatible with other widely used apps, in order to create even more value from these integrations to the end-user. In the case of Better Content Archiving, it means being compatible with all popular theming apps. Now we will talk about the integration between Scroll Viewport and Better Content Archiving. As of today, this only work on Confluence Data Center, but if you would like to see it on Cloud too, please contact our customer support to request it!

Better Content Archiving is our app for content lifecycle management for Confluence. It tracks when contents were last viewed or updated and can assign statuses to them according to this data - and how you configure it. You can assign these content custom statuses automatically based on last viewed or updated times or labels. It sends notifications as you set it, for example for authors of outdated pages but it has plenty of options and flexibility. The app can also automatically archive - or delete - the content that is deemed outdated or irrelevant. If you are interested in archiving automation, check out this article about it.

Thanks to the effective help of our partners at K15t, a slightly different kind of app, Scroll Viewport is also compatible with Better Content Archiving.


Better Content Archiving integrates with Scroll Viewport for Confluence

For the uninitiated: Scroll Viewport is a Confluence (Data Center compatible) app, which lets you convert your Confluence pages and blog posts into custom websites. It gives great control over the output and also allows the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can customize the appearance and the domain and even integrate with other apps (like Better Content Archiving) easily. You can even use your Confluence as a help center and get the feedback of your users.

Tracking page views is one of the most important and most popular features of Better Content Archiving. That’s also the case for Scroll Viewport users: they would like to see the "last view date" getting refreshed for the originating Confluence page every time when the exported page is visited!

In turn, you can see the popularity of the page’s content at the Confluence side, even after being exported.

If your organization is an avid user of both Scroll Viewport and Better Content Archiving for Confluence, you can now make the two work together. In this knowledge base article, K15t gives a step by step explanation of how you can integrate the two functionalities. You can read a quick guide below, and you can go for the more detailed version to the article above.

Create a meta tag  and include it in the HTML head to be able to use it on every page:

page: <meta name="pageId" content="${}">

Next, you will need an Ajax request that you should put somewhere where it is executed every time someone views the page, e.g. immediately after the document is loaded. It looks like this:

$(function() { 											// Loads our javascript after them DOM is loaded
	var pageId  = $('meta[name="pageId"]').attr('content');					// we get the page id from our meta-tag
	var baseUrl = $('meta[name="ajs-base-url"]').attr('content');				// our confluence-base url
	var url 	= baseUrl + "/rest/archiving/1.0/content-status/" + pageId;		// we build the url for the request

	$.get( url );										// we execute the GET request to update the page status

Many thanks to the K15t team for detailing this Better Content Archiving - Scroll Viewport integration!

And a final note: Better Content Archiving for Cloud is live, you can check it out here!




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