Time Vault: Empowering Percision on Confluence pages with Timestamps

Happy Thursday, Community!

To all the fellow Confluence users here. Have you been craving functionality to record a specific moment directly on the Confluence page for your project/backlog/release management troubles? Simple examples may include:

  • logging system updates
  • time for the next release
  • project updates once important milestone is passed

Suppose this list features 1+ of your tasks or a similar job popped into your mind. In that case, I’m thrilled to announce that our team has released a Handy Timestamp which is part of Handy Macros for Confluence app - an ultimate time guardian that allows you to record a specific moment so its date and time can't be changed manually in the edit mode. You can edit the macro only to define how it appears on the page. And now, it is available for all hosting types.
Let’s expand on some of the use cases:

  • Release Date Management: Product managers, I can see you and am ready to offer the tool to simplify managing release dates. Lock in your launch schedule and avoid any last-minute hiccups.
  • Logging Updates: Developers say goodbye to version control nightmares by recording and securely locking every change, big or small, when managing your logging updates.
  • Project Milestone Protection: Project managers, here is your new ally in project milestone tracking and protection. Ensure that key project stages stay intact by time-stamping and time-locking them while keeping your projects on track.


In the fast-paced world of project management and development, precision in time management is crucial and a non-negotiable. That’s why the ability to record and lock the following timestamps can come in handy. (feel free to let us know if you need more!)

  • Page Published
  • Page Last Updated
  • Timestamp Added

Timestamp 2.png

You can use it for document management, workflow control, and automation. Elevate your project management game by starting a free trial of Handy Macros for Confluence to see if Handy Timestamp is tailored to meet your time management needs. Also, feel free to contact us for support once needed!
Have a lovely day!

 Handy Timestamp (1).png



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