Seeking Confluence Users for a Research Activity (Yes, You'll get a Gift Card!)

Hi Atlassian Community!

I jumped into Gliffy's product management role a few months ago and I wanted to test a new way of getting user feedback on some items on my roadmap. So, I need your help!

Who's Invited?

Ideally, you use Confluence and a diagramming tool regularly to complete your work, and you're willing to schedule a 1-hour call with me. You do not have to be a current Gliffy customer. 

My screener survey is here. If you're selected, I'll follow up with you via email to get an interview scheduled. Interview participants will get to select a $100 gift card for their time. Interviews will take place throughout the month of January.

What's Coming Up for Gliffy?

I can't say—yet! But, stay tuned for an invite to our first ever Gliffy Office Hours later in January!

That's all for now, and I hope your new year is off to a great start!


PS: Here's that screener survey link one more time. ;) 

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Phil Nguyen January 21, 2024

im keen, hit me up.

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