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Mentions dashboard for watchers and @mentions

Managing @mentions and notifications in Jira has long been a pain point for users. Important updates are easily lost among a flood of notifications, and Jira's default tools don’t provide effective ways to search for mentions in comments. That’s why we’re excited to announce the newly released Mentions Dashboard for Jiraa game-changing add-on that centralizes your mentions and helps you stay on top of communication effortlessly. 

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With the launch of Mentions Dashboard for Jira, built on Forge, a new chapter is added to its story. Let's now delve into a detailed analysis of cases and their solutions. 

🕵️‍♂️ Problems with Managing @Mentions in Jira

Jira users have consistently raised these pain points when it comes to managing mentions:

  1. Inability to accurately filter mentions: Users have no easy way to search for mentions in comments using JQL. Although Jira offers ways to filter tasks, it doesn't support filtering comments for mentions directly. This limitation makes it easy to overlook important comments.
  2. Notifications overload: Email notifications can be overwhelming, and important @mentions often get buried among less relevant updates, leading to missed responses or delays in handling critical tasks.
  3. No central place for mentions: Currently, there is no dedicated dashboard or interface in Jira to view all mentions in one place. Users must manually scroll through issues and notifications, often missing important updates in the process.

💡 How Mention Dashboard Solves These Problems

The Mentions Dashboard for Jira is specifically designed to solve these issues, giving users full control over their mentions and ensuring no critical updates are missed. Here’s how it addresses each problem:

Inability to Accurately Filter Mentions

Jira users have long requested a way to filter mentions in comments through JQL, but this functionality is not available. Many have resorted to workarounds, such as using JQL queries to filter tasks where they were mentioned at least once, but this method does not display the relevant comments. As a result, users must sift through irrelevant tasks to find mentions.

Solution: Mentions Gadget consolidates all @mentions—both sent and received—into one place. You can filter mentions by team member, project, or specific department, giving you a clear and accurate overview of where and when you've been mentioned. No more wasting time scrolling through irrelevant tasks!

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📧 Notifications Overload

Many Jira users rely on email notifications to track their @mentions, but important comments often get lost among a flood of less relevant notifications. In large organizations, this can lead to missed deadlines, delayed responses, and a lack of accountability for important tasks.

Solution: Add-on streamlines communication by displaying all important @mentions in one centralized dashboard. Instead of wading through dozens of email notifications, users can now see all the comments where they were tagged in a single view. Additionally, the customizable widgets allow you to set up different filters for multiple teams or projects, ensuring that only the most relevant mentions are displayed.

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🛠No Central Place for Mentions

Without a centralized way to track mentions across projects, users often struggle to maintain visibility over important communication. Some users have tried to create lists or use workarounds through Confluence and JQL, but none provide a reliable way to manage mentions in real-time.

Solution: Mentions Dashboard provides complete visibility over all mentions across multiple Jira projects. With customizable widgets and advanced filtering, you can set up a dashboard that shows only the mentions that matter to you. Whether you're managing a cross-functional project or simply trying to keep track of your own tasks, the dashboard gives you a real-time view of all important communications.

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🚀 Use Case: Tracking Mentions Across Multiple Projects

A delivery manager working across several projects often struggles to keep track of where they’ve been tagged. Jumping between multiple Jira projects and manually checking notifications wastes time and increases the risk of missing critical information.

Solution: Gain cross-project visibility allowing you to track mentions across all your active projects. The customizable widget system lets you filter mentions based on project, team member, or urgency, giving you a clear view of all pending comments. This way, you can manage your workload more effectively and ensure your teams are aligned on key communications.

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🆕 Brand New and Ready to Boost Your Communication

Mentions Dashboard for Jira is a brand-new add-on, designed to fill the gaps that Jira’s built-in notification system leaves behind. This newly released tool is ready to transform the way you manage communication, helping you avoid missed mentions, improve response times, and boost team collaboration. 🤝

With its customizable dashboard and advanced filtering capabilities, the Mention Dashboard for Jira is perfect for project managers, support leads, and anyone looking to streamline communication in Jira. 

🔥 Why You Need the Mention Dashboard for Jira

Released to solve long-standing user problems, the Mention Dashboard for Jira provides the perfect solution for teams struggling to manage @mentions efficiently. Whether you’re overseeing multiple projects, managing customer support, or simply keeping track of your team’s communication, this add-on is designed to:

  • Keep you organized: See all important mentions in one place and avoid missed updates. 🗂
  • Streamline your communication: Quickly filter and respond to @mentions from a single dashboard. 📝
  • Improve team collaboration: Ensure all comments are addressed in a timely manner, leading to better project outcomes. 🛠

Mentions Dashboard add-on consolidates all your @mentions and tags in one dashboard, helping you stay on top of the conversation without the noise.

Don’t miss out! Be one of the first to try the Mentions Dashboard for Jira and take control of your communication. Try add-on and see how this new tool can help you manage mentions more efficiently 🚀





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