Marketplace Partner Spotlight: SaaSJet

Hello to all Community members! We would like to use this opportunity to get you acquainted with our SaaSJet team. It’s always amazing to see the people behind the products they make. SaaSJet is only 5 years old, but we are growing with jet speed and have no intention to stop 🚀

We aim to make our products most reliable and secure for our customers, that’s why we’ve put so much effort into becoming an Atlassian Platinum Marketplace Partner. We hope you’ll find our insight and experience helpful. So, let’s get started with a small interview with our Chief Product Officer – Stepan Fedortsiv.


🔶 Question: What's your role at SaaSJet?

I am the Chief Product Officer at SaaSJet. As a company, we have several product lines where teams are working on making our products better for clients as well as starting new ones.

My role is to streamline the processes for the teams, make sure best practices are followed, and build cross-functional teams and communication.

🔶 Question: How does your team come up with ideas for new apps?

Despite the fact we run many discovery and market investigations to make this process formal, every app has its own way from the idea to the market. 

For example, the Issue History for Jira app idea comes from the actual use case of a delivery manager in IT consulting who had a very complicated story of working with clients. People were very thorough about all the aspects of engineers' work, so they made a concept of a future app to track every past activity on one page.  

Then we get more and more stories. We released the issue description revert feature since we found many comments that people are struggling with preparing long user stories, so they need the option to return to some state and not lose the formatting, etc.

So, currently, we run many discovery projects, however, a deep understanding of the simplest user problem is the key, I think. 

🔶 Question: What do you think has been the secret to your success so far?

For sure, it’s our awesome people. Sometimes, it’s like magic to some extent. In our experience, we had apps that we developed in two weeks because engineers found the right library that could save hundreds of hours. As an example, we have an amazing QA team that really helps to balance app development between fast delivery and quality. So, the answer is teamwork. It can sound like a common and overused phrase, but the right people make a difference. 


🔶 Question: What is your most popular app? What problem were you trying to solve for customers when you created it?

The most popular from the business point of view is Time in Status for Jira Cloud. It was one of the first apps we built. The idea then and now is to help people who run the projects to identify the gaps in the process, take action, and monitor the impact. So, it’s a cycle.

If you, as a manager, know the time your tasks stay in every stage, you can dive into a particular small process like code review, and investigate what’s going on there and fix it.

There is a trendy statement, that any process speed depends on its weakest state. So, the Time in Status for Jira Cloud helps identify this chain link, and then it’s time for managers to show their best qualities.

🔶 Question: What’s next for you?

We have three directions now: 

  • Provide our apps for DC customers since we believe our products are good enough so more teams could win from them;
  • More focus on our key apps by delivering many requested features and improving UX;
  • Get SOC2 and ISO certifications and formally say to our customers that we are professionals so they can rely on us. 

From our products side, we are about to launch something very special. Our new product is designed for product managers, vendors, and everyone who wants to obtain the most recent performance numbers from the Atlassian Marketplace. That way, you can get better insights to increase sales and stay ahead of competitors. We are delighted to introduce the most cutting-edge solution for reporting – Marketplace Reporter.

🗓️ We’re also excited about every event held by Atlassian, and this year, we’re going to join Jira Day 2023 in Krakow. We’re grateful for this opportunity to connect with experts, thought leaders, and Jira enthusiasts.

We will be glad to meet everyone, so join us in Krakow 😉

Date: 17-18 October 2023

Location: Fabryczna 13 Conference Center, Cracow, Poland

Tickets and agenda: Jira Day 2023

Meet SaaSJet at Jira Day’23

To learn more about SaaSJet and our products, visit our Atlassian Marketplace listing. Have you ever tried some of the SaaSJet apps? Or which one looks the most appealing to you? Let us know in the comments 👍

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Halina Cudakiewicz_Deviniti_
Atlassian Partner
October 11, 2023

We can't wait to meet you! See you in Poland!

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