Tasks or stories in Jira can involve multiple steps. If it’s a software feature, new hire, or sales presentation, they often involve the same steps. But if some steps aren’t covered in the Jira issue, it’s easy to forget one.
This is where a Jira checklist can make all the difference. Checklists are templates of items that need to be done or remembered over and over again. They are used when routine is needed, and they ensure that these routines are carried out at a reliably high quality no matter who’s doing them, when, or how often.
If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a video is a billion? 😄
Imagine your checklist is for a particularly complicated process. Explaining each step in writing can be difficult and still leave room for misunderstanding or confusion.
Or perhaps the process is just something people do infrequently: end of month, end of quarter, end of year. It’s normal to forget part of the process!
Embed Loom, YouTube, Vimeo or other videos in a checklist
Show instead of tell how to complete a task in a checklist: Didit Checklist lets you add a video link to your checklist so the person completing the list of tasks can easily watch a demonstration or follow instructions.
Some examples where a video in a checklist could be helpful:
Software testing or QA procedures
Budgetary processes
Onboarding tasks for a new hire to complete
Audit preparation
Event management
Machine maintenance process
This works for both Didit Checklists for Confluence and Didit Checklists for Jira.
Questions? Chat with the team behind the app on Discord. Or book a call to get your questions answered live.
Angela Thomas_Seibert Group
Product Marketing Manager at Seibert Group
Seibert Group
Munich, Germany
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