How to export terms from specific parent & child pages in Confluence

Here is the scenario: You are navigating through a Confluence page filled with terms you are not familiar with or you simply want to learn more about. You click the highlight button and you can instantly locate terms along with their definitions and metadata. That is standard practice and a feature available within all glossary apps in Atlassian Marketplace. 

Now what if you want to export terms from this specific page only or its descendants? Well, this is the new feature we will talk about in this article. How you can export terms from specific parent and child pages in Confluence.


  • Which problem does this feature solve? And why should you care?

Let’s start with the most important question: Why this feature? The short answer… filtered export and time saving.  In previous releases of Glossary for Confluence, you can export entire glossaries into various formats and then filter your files to get the specific terms you want. This means you need to constantly synchronize terms you found within specific pages with your exported file (which can amount to thousands of terms). And this can become tedious, especially in those Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. Trust me I have been there.

And whenever there is a problem, there is a feature.

  • How does it work?

The latest release of Glossary for Confluence on Data Center (soon on Cloud hopefully) allows you to export highlighted terms from specific parent and child pages. 

First, highlight your terms

As mentioned in the intro, the first step is to highlight terms within your Confluence page. Through the click of a button, you can quickly access all terms present within the current space glossary or glossaries across your site (depending on your highlights configuration).


Second, personalize your export

After identifying terms, you can choose to export them from the current page and its descendants or the current one only. The first option allows you to export terms from pages you might not have time to access. We are talking about, for example, a parent page containing tens or more of child pages with more or less the same terminology.


Additionally, you can specify the glossary from which you want to extract terms. This option comes in handy when you are dealing with terms that might have different definitions depending on the context. For example, if you are navigating through the marketing space and you want to export terms from there, you will select that space glossary. However, if you are navigating through the company's knowledge base and come across a marketing article, you might want to extract the definition from the marketing glossary, not the knowledge base.


Last but not least, you can fine tune your export by deciding whether to include synonyms or abbreviations. All metadata is available by default but we thought our users need to have more control over their files.


Third, that’s it

And there you have it. Once you've configured your preferences, simply click “Export” to initiate the export process. 

This new feature is available with the latest release of Glossary for Confluence Data Center. If you like to learn more, make sure to give our app a try here.



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