We added this automation & are now getting 2 emails for notification - one for comment added and another for this "last Comment" field update ? Any pointers on how to stop this except changing the notification settings ?
This is great (why didn't Atlassian include this as a built-in function?!).
We currently have 2 problems with this:
1. the same problem as Emil MosesNov 26, 2022, when a user is mentioned in a comment, the userid is displayed in the last comment - not user friendly. When are Atlassian going to add coding to the paragraph custom field to cope with mentioning fully?
2. We use ALM for test management and when the integration user ("JiraMFConnect") adds a comment, it causes an error - any ideas?
Puedo recomendarle que cree un informe basado en la cantidad de comentarios o comentarios específicos (por ejemplo, JQL: comentario ~ abtesting) para extraer las tareas requeridas en el informe.