How to convert meets from Calendly in Jira tasks

By a show of hands, who has ever thought that it would be nice to create tasks directly from their emails? Instead of jumping from your inbox to Jira, you can convert directly from Gmail.

We remind you that this is possible with Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail 👍. We want to share an example of how this application will help optimise the work of the sales and support departments. So, let's get started!


Convert your meets in Jira tasks

The support and sales departments are always overloaded with various tasks. The calendar is full, and emails are filled with requests for demos or interviews. It all requires order and structure. 

We want to draw your attention to the case study of using Email&Tasks in a duo with the Calendly app.

Calendly creates a scheduling automation platform through software as a service to enhance the productivity of external meetings by simplifying their scheduling process.

There are a lot of apps for scheduling and booking appointments, but we decided to focus on Calendly as one of the most popular.

Here's how it works. Step 1. Clients book a meeting.

calendly 1.png

Step 2. Information about the new event is sent to the manager's email. It takes some time to prepare for a meeting - to get ready, to work through materials, etc. Accordingly, a mark in the calendar that is created automatically is not enough. You need to at least create a task in Jira. It will log the time spent on the task, etc. To do this, we open our notification email from Calendly and use the Email&Task app to convert this email into a task in Jira.

calendly 2.png


The subject line of our email is the summary of the newly created task, and the content is the descriptor.

Step 3. We carry out the necessary manipulations and have a task in Jira accordingly.

Calendly 3.png

Success! No need to switch between browser tabs. The necessary tags are easily converted to issues in Jira.

Why is this necessary? Imagine you have several sales teams and a separate support department. Each of the specialists has a different link to book an appointment. It will be easier for the heads of these departments to control and track their team's work when all these appointments are in one place in Jira. And the unit can process requests more efficiently and stay aware of the chaos of many tickets.


We will continue to share helpful use cases of the app with you. There are a lot of them. And we want to cover optimising the task management process as widely as possible.

Try Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail, and we hope it will help you speed up your routine processes. The app has a 30-day trial period to get to know it better 🙂. Also, we want to note that it is free for teams of up to 10 users.



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