Project managers are often pulled in two separate directions by the people they serve: their team and clients. Developers want to protect their autonomy, while clients want to be kept in the loop.
This can be a tough balancing act, and I know that from experience. I can safely say one of the trickiest things to get right is communication. It's why we developed Jira Snapshots for Confluence , a specialized app to help people preserve data and use it to keep everyone from team members to clients and other stakeholders up to date.
Clear communication is critical because technical projects move so swiftly that it's nearly impossible to get a good read on the status of a project in a given moment.
On one hand, the development team continuously juggles challenges from scoping and budgeting questions to technical feasibility, bugs, refactoring needs, and administrative tasks (i.e., onboarding new team members, vacations, etc.). On the other hand, clients are also facing their own challenges, including making critical decisions, consolidating a vision of the solution, rallying stakeholders, and obtaining authentic and impactful feedback.
For these two sides to effectively collaborate, it’s vital to construct a well-curated information flow.
As a project leader, one of my main tasks is to create a shared vision of the project without flooding either the development team or the client-side with too much information:
Developers should be shielded from the minute details of the organizational friction and indecisiveness created by the customer team as it works out a common understanding of the project goal.
Clients don’t need to get bogged down by every bug that the developers find and fix — especially when it’s long before the prototype is even ready.
In a sense, the challenge is the same as you’d find with a service desk. You want to keep the person who submitted the service ticket up to date, but there’s no need for them to see what’s going on behind the scenes. Of course, in a project scenario it’s not about a single service issue but about the whole operation, so the internal setup and customer-facing setup must work efficiently in tandem.
Jira is where your internal development work happens. The Jira instance is used for all different projects and is your team's main playground. The sprints rhythm, the Kanban board columns, and the custom fields and permissions follow a common framework. Even the split of issues to different projects should follow your internal organizational structure and is not dictated by a specific customer project.
This is the key point: the customer does not have access to Jira. It is your internal kitchen, and there aren’t any client “chefs” allowed.
This configuration is extended with custom fields, which create the foundation for sharing information with the customer.
Note: The development team stays out of these fields. The project manager’s role is to regularly review each issue and keep the notes and customer status current.
Confluence is where the collaboration with the customer happens. Each client project has a space, and that’s the only area they can access.
Now that Jira is on the Cloud, it’s easy for the project manager to create a new Confluence for each customer project. This way, you can have many spaces in that instance, each for another project with the same customer or serving different areas of the collaboration.
Regardless of the scenario, Confluence should have the following parameters:
The customer-facing status page is the key to keeping the customer in the know. I recommend using Jira Snapshots for Confluence to display the Jira data in the most impactful way:
“project=DEVT AND "Customer project[Dropdown]"="Blue sky" AND issuetype=Epic”
If you’re like me and have issues organized in epics, then you’ll want the snapshot to be organized in epics as well. Jira Snapshots can do multilevel reporting, so that’s easy to set.
Last but not least, the DIFF view provided by Jira Snapshots is invaluable. It helps the customer see what changed from the previous week. For example, I had a customer who reported, “Just having this DIFF view shortens my review time three times. I no longer need to rely on my own memory to identify what changed.”
Now that’s customer service!
So, for example, if I have a status meeting with my customer each Wednesday afternoon, then my routine looks like this:
This way, the meeting is easy to prepare and flows very efficiently. The “notes” and “customer status” provide the client with the information they need to help the project move forward.
Now that you have a simple setup that checks all the boxes for your internal team and the client, you’re in business!
Your development team works how they want, with full autonomy, and the customer gets the information they need. Best of all, there is no double booking, and you, the project manager, isn’t asking for favors from your system administrators to get the job done quickly and painlessly.
The flexibility of this setup doesn’t stop here — there are plenty of other scenarios that can be solved with a similar setup. For example, you can use this setup report on Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance with third parties when there is a need to go into each support ticket (or perhaps only specific tickets). Additionally, if your organization has multiple Jira instances, you can also use this setup to make certain information visible to a group not on your Jira.
What other situations can you think of that this setup can help make your life easier?
After all, getting a good night’s sleep is the ultimate goal, especially for busy project managers. If you have any questions about how Jira, Confluence, or Jira Snapshots for Confluence can work best for you and your company, let me know in the comments. I’m happy to help!
PS: Jira Snapshots for Confluence is available on Cloud and Data Center
Rina Nir
CEO at RadBee
United Kingdom
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