The retail store industry has long been digitalized. Sensors at the entrance measure attendance in offline stores, goods turnover is recorded in particular programs, etc. Offline and online sales are closely linked. At the moment, more than 45% of customers choose online shopping. And it doesn't matter whether it's clothes, shoes, or grocery delivery. Accordingly, this industry requires efficient task management, such as Jira-type toolkits and additional add-ons that would optimize workflows.
Most shoppers don't realize what goes on behind the scenes in retail management. They might not be aware of how much work store managers put into planning, coordinating, and getting things done to ensure a good shopping experience.
Retail task management is a way for retailers to stay organized, handle projects and tasks, and monitor their progress. Discover the basics of retail task management to make your store smoother today.
Retail task management is about making sure that all the necessary tasks for running a store smoothly and in line with the rules are created, organized, and watched over.
Store managers use tasks to give clear instructions that can be followed and tracked by the teams in the stores and at headquarters. This helps achieve specific goals while giving more time to interact with customers. Also, headquarters and area teams get information about how stores are doing, which helps them make better decisions.
In retail task management, tasks are grouped into a task process that can have one or more tasks inside it. Doing this process takes a lot of time and resources to ensure stores are doing things the right way according to what the organization wants.
When done well, task management makes store operations smooth and reduces the time and effort retail teams spend on paperwork. This means they have more time to focus on creating great customer experiences.
Jira is an excellent tool for Retail companies. You can create workflows, set up new business processes, customize task types, and connect them with other platforms. But what about emails?
Along with tasks, emails play an equally important role. An email inbox is usually filled to the brim with emails from suppliers, partners, employees, and customers. This is definitely an essential part of the business process.
It is difficult to manage everything, and often, a large number of emails remain unread forever. There is a high probability of losing important emails.
How to deal with all this?
The SaaSJet team has developed the Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail app that transforms emails into Jira issues.
Let's analyze several use cases.
Case #1. Email&Tasks as an alternative to Zendesk, etc.
Often, customers in stores can send inquiries by email. And this applies not only to online sales outlets. Offline, it can be complaints, suggestions, etc. In online stores, requests for product returns, clarifying questions, and many other things can be requested.
Sometimes, just emailing the customer doesn't solve the problem, and you need to set a task in Jira. To do this, create a project in Jira that will cover this area of concern and create tasks directly from Gmail using the Email&Tasks add-on.
Case #2. Email&Tasks to plan online meetings and create tasks related to them.
Scheduling online meetings is often discussed in correspondence. And almost always, you need to prepare for them. To do this, you need to:
This can be easily created using the same Email&Tasks app: Jira Cloud for Gmail.
Case #3. Editing and commenting on Jira issues from your Gmail.
If you receive an email that is already related to a task in Jira, you can quickly comment on it using Email&Tasks, or edit it by adding the content of the email.
There are many more cases and examples where the Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail app will be helpful for you. A simple and functional tool that optimizes workflows becomes an indispensable assistant. We offer a 30-day trial for everyone to get acquainted with the add-on, and for small teams of up to 10 users, the app is free of charge.
See you at SaaSJet!😊
Iryna Komarnitska_SaaSJet_
Product Marketer
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