Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards a more effective digital future by migrating your Confluence to the cloud.
Why wouldn’t you when the well-documented benefits of being on the cloud are so numerous?
Yet, migration is no simple task. If you were moving into a new house, you’d want nothing bad to happen during and after the move, right?
Similarly, if your company relies heavily on Confluence as a knowledge base and a single-source-of-truth, you’d want to be absolutely sure nothing bad happens in the process of migrating to the cloud too.
Here are some of the mistakes to avoid when migrating your confluence to the cloud.
Going back to the house analogy, it’s important to know exactly what features your new house possesses to avoid any nasty surprises.
For example, if your old house had water heaters and your new house didn’t, your morning shower isn’t going to feel great.
Likewise, if you’re expecting your Team Calendars to follow you from Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud, you’ll be sorely disappointed because it doesn’t. You will need to export any calendars you want to keep to .ics format and re-import them.
You can refer to the differences between Confluence Server and Confluence in greater detail here, which will ensure there aren’t any surprises awaiting you after your migration to Confluence Cloud.
If your old residence allows pets and your new one doesn’t, figuring out what to do with it can be a hassle.
Similarly, if there is a particular app that you rely on heavily in Confluence Server that isn’t supported in Confluence Cloud, you’re caught in a pickle too.
This scenario is also more common than you think since there are quite a few vendors and Solution Partners that do not offer (or have yet to develop) cloud hosting capabilities for their apps.
If the app that you need does not have any cloud hosting options, you should either confirm with the app provider whether there are plans in place for a cloud version OR start looking around for similar alternatives.
One handy tool you can use to avoid getting caught in the situations above is the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant developed by Atlassian. It is a free app that can help you assess your current app usage and empower you to properly plan your migration. With it, you can also easily move your content, users, and groups all at once to Confluence Cloud.
Once you’re fully settled in on Confluence Cloud, we highly recommend learning more about leveraging the extra functionalities of Confluence Cloud by reading “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Confluence Cloud Team Workspace.”
David Toussaint [Communardo]
Head of Products
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