🍻 πŸ‚ Apptoberfest Demo: Out of Office Assistant for Jira πŸ‚ 🍻

The holiday season is coming soon.

Out of Office Assistant for Jira makes going for holidays a breeze. Besides automatic reassignment of issues, it also has features to

  • Pre-empt additional reassignment - By swapping absent user's avatar with an OOO Asssistant's airplane logo, people can pick someone who is around to respond their requests faster.
  • Prepare for business continuity - Recurring rules allow users to specify who is their coverer for each project. You only need to enter the out of office duration period.
  • Handle urgent scenarios - Jira admins can help to update the absence period in event the OOO is not set in time.
  • Manage user expections - Leave customised message without reassignment to inform stakeholders of the expected response time


View the video at https://youtu.be/_x5WG_-NFf0



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