🪅🍂Apptoberfest 2023 🤫 🥳 Surprise party plan with Secure Custom Fields for Jira 🍻

It's Apptoberfest, it's team celebration time! :beers:

We've got a top-secret mission on our hands – it's time to organize a super awesome welcome party for our newest team members!

Remember, while we're planning, we're also doing this to welcome our new recruits with open arms and, of course, a touch of intrigue. 🤝🕵️‍♀️

How can we hide the event from our new recruits while safeguarding the party details on the HR Jira ticket?

Apptoberfest Secure Custom Fields(1).gif

It’s easy to hide confidential information with Secure Custom Fields for Jira app! A simple & intuitive solution to extend your Jira fields for more advanced use cases.

Simply creating Jira custom fields and you can control the security permission at field level, compatible for both Team-managed and Company-managed projects. 🔒

So grab your Jira gadgets, your party hats, and your best poker faces. Let's make this welcome party an unforgettable experience, all while keeping our plans hidden in plain sight! 🎈🤩

🎥 Let’s watch how we accomplished this mission 🥸

Thank you for watching our demo! Please give it a like if you enjoy it 🫶 🙌


Imagine the possibilities to customize Jira for any team. The power is in your hands, fellow Jira admins!

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