Happy Monday morning community ☀️,
like every week we at Jexo are here to share with you the most important events and news from across the Atlassian universe 🗞. We scanned through the sources like the Atlassian blog, user and developer community, Twitter, news, and so on.
The user community was busy last week with Atlympics event. It was great to read your submissions and learn how Atlassian products help you and your team!
🗓 There are a few events you don't want to miss this week:
If you're an app developer and you are/were migrating the app to Cloud, don't miss on an opportunity to share your feedback with Atlassian 👉 Dev feedback for migrating apps to cloud
📚 And finally the Article of the week: How to get buy-in for your out-of-the-box ideas. This one is really fun to read, you can get a bit of insight into Jira Service Management launch campaign (yes, the one with the metal band 🎸🕺)...
Have a great week everyone!
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
29 accepted answers