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Deleting issue types

Song Eun Moon June 29, 2016


When I tried to delete 'issue type' that are using, there was the message below.


Note: This issue type cannot be deleted - there are currently 2925 matching issues with no suitable alernative issue types (only issues you have permission to see will be displayed, which may be different from the total count shown on this page).

In order for an issue type to be deleted, it needs to be associated with one workflow, field configuration and field screen scheme across all projects. If this is not the case, JIRA can not provide a list of valid replacement issue types.


What does it mean?

-> In order for an issue type to be deleted, it needs to be associated with one workflow, field configuration and field screen scheme across all projects.


Thank you


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 29, 2016

It means you're using that issue type and the system cannot work out a simple target for the changes.

When you remove an issue type, any issues of that type must be moved to another type.  Issues can't exist without a type.  In this case, there is no clear single candidate for changing to, and the delete can only handle cases where there is one clear candidate.

You have two options

  1. Delete all the issues that have that issue type
  2. Analyse the list of all issues of that type, and manually move them to other types before attempting the delete.

On the second one, I suspect you'll find that you have used that type in more than one project - I would go into the projects "issue type scheme" and remove the issue type from it - that will kick off the move to other types in the easiest way for you. 

The other case that it might be is actually "no candidate" - that happens when you only have one issue type in a project.  There's nothing for it to migrate to.

Allison Landry November 30, 2017

Hi Nic, I'm having a heck of a time figuring out where these issues are hiding and I'm hoping you can help me. I understand there are issues I'm not permitted to see, even as an admin. What I did is go to Gear -> Projects and inspect every single project to see what Issue Type Scheme it was using. None of the projects are using an Issue Type Scheme that contains the issue type I want to delete.

When I look at all of my Issue Type Schemes together, the only one using the offending issue type is the Default Issue Type Scheme, which I confirmed none of my projects are using. I'm at a loss to figure out how to transition these issues to a new issue type if I can't even figure out what project they're in...

Allison Landry December 6, 2017

In case anybody is having this same problem, I wanted to update again with how we solved it. My colleague figured out that there was a project using a Permission Scheme that gave only the creator of the project browse issue permissions, and nobody could administer it. The issues were hiding in that project. Despite the fact that the project was using an Issue Type Scheme that did not include the offending issue type (we are still not sure how that happened). If you're having this problem, check under Permission Schemes to see if anyone has created a similar rogue scheme.

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