Ready for another challenge? This month we're challenging you to share your knowledge and answer questions. We're calling it Knowvember! (And by we, I mean me. You can blame me.)
To earn this badge, answer 20 questions during the month of November. The daily cap is two, which means that you'll get credit for the first two answers you post every day. You'll have to keep coming back to answer more!
What's the easiest way to find questions you can answer? I'm glad you asked!
Go to the homepage and find your community feed.
In the first column, under Collection, choose the product or products that you're interested in. (Pro tip: We have collections like New to Jira and New to Confluence if you're interested in beginner-level questions.)
In the second column, which lets you select content types, select Questions.
In the third column, you can sort questions however you like. Most recent can be useful!
In the fourth column, you can narrow down your search. Solved means someone has already solved the issue and an answer has been accepted. Unsolved means no answer has been accepted -- but the question might have been answered anyway. No replies means nobody has responded or tried to answer this question! Could you be the hero the OP has been waiting for?
I hope this primer has been useful as you sally forth into Knowvember. And if you're looking for some best practices on giving an A+ answer, check out @Thomas Schlegel's helpful guide. Share your knowledge with the community this month, and have fun!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Tips on how to write a great answer? Leave them in the comments.
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers