Hi community! We will be making an update to our login experience that means the community will be in read-only mode for a short period of time.
Note that users won't be able to log in during this timeframe. However, if you are already logged in, you will remain logged in.
We expect that read only mode will begin on June 8 at 12:30 Central time (17:30 UTC) and last until 15:30 Central time (20:30 UTC). During the read-only period, you will see a banner at the top of the screen reminding you of the community's read-only status.
Once our update is completed, the community should be back to normal. If you encounter any issues after that, please report them on this thread or (if you are having login issues) via email to communitymanagers@atlassian.com.
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
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