The term Scrumban was created by Corey Ladas in his paper Scrum-ban in 2007. One year later, the book "Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development" was available. But what is Scrumban really about?
First thing to clarify: Scrumban is not a hybrid methodology combining the best aspects from Scrum and Kanban. Instead, Scrumban is a path from Scrum to Kanban.
The Scrum framework is a well-known agile approach. I would venture to say that it is perhaps the most widely used in the market. It can be useful for organizations that are just starting their agile journey. But it has its limitations. According to the author "Time and popularity have exposed some of the limitations of Scrum as experienced in the real world. Some of that clearly falls under the "you're doing it wrong" category, but some is also perfectly legitimate criticism of real weaknesses in the method. I adopted Scrum fairly early, and observed its operation in a high-stress, edge-case environment that clearly exposed some of its limitations. Over time, the chorus of the dissatisfied has grown to the point of being its own recognizable community with a set of consistent observations and opinions. This is the way it should be. For some of us, what seemed "good enough" many years ago no longer seems good enough today."
This way, you can use Scrumban to improve Scrum by applying Kanban practices, resulting in an evolved process.
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