I keep seeing complete sprint not create sprint in new sprint board

Hafi Imam
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May 18, 2024

Hi I'm not super experienced with Jira so help! I've created a new scrum board I selected the option 'Boards can contain one or more projects' and when the new board has come up it's showing tickets from other boards/teams that aren't mine (these are from other teams working on the same project) and more importantly the main button in the screen is saying complete sprint. I was expecting to see Create sprint so I could start creating sprints for my board.

On the side bar I've clicked on both the 'Backlog' and 'Active Sprints' options and in each screen it's showing the 'Complete Sprint' button.

How do I just see tickets for just my own board/my own team and also have it so that I can see the button to 'Create Sprint' from tickets my team have created.


Many thanks,





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ankit nangia May 18, 2024


You would need to check the board settings and configeure option. You can look at the filter under configure and use the query "project =project name"..this will help you to get stories of the desired project 

You can see the create new sprint option under backlog..that is where it is supposed to come.

Jehan Bhathena
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May 19, 2024

Hi @Hafi Imam 

There are few things that you can check here:

* for the create sprint not being visible is mostly  due to you not having the "Manage Sprint" Permission in the project where you want to create a sprint. You can take assistance of your jira or site admin and use the permission helper to figure this one out.

* You wanted to view "my team" Or issues related to you, so for this I'd suggest creating a Quick Filter in your Scrum board(will need board editing permission for this). If you don't have board administration rights then simpler route would be to create a new Scrum board only for your use and filter the issues as oer your team members.

Hope this helps.

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