
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 22, 2023

Customer satisfaction is the top priority.

Embrace logical change at every step of the project.

Create working deliverables then gradually improve them.

Business and tech people need to work together.

Build projects around motivated teams to produce quality results



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Mary Agueros
August 22, 2023


"Business and tech people need to work together.

Build projects around motivated teams to produce quality results" 💜

Michael Karl
August 23, 2023

I do actually agree. But in the real word, we sometimes have the following contradiction:

Custumer satisfaction is the top priority.

Customer demands: "I want a top product out of the box at minimum cost and I want it yesterday. I don't want the so called 'working software', I want it to meet all my demands at once."

Agile manifesto tells us "good enough"-software should be good enough for the time being as long as it is improved incrementally.

Sure, when the world is not the way it should be, we need to change the world. World tells me "We rank higher than you in the company's hierarchy, we have the money, we make the rules." So it is very hard to impossible for me to change.

Of course, that's simply put and not entirely true in my case, but there are too many top-dogs, and to get things to work in a real agile way, you'll always have to include the "customer" (who could be inside our outside your company, in my case, it's inside - we provide a CMS for the editorial staff of several newspapers).

If the customer doesn't agree - there are few options left. Our holding also includes some agencies who do software development for external customers. They employ scrum and only work for customers who agree to play along. But not everyone is that lucky.

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