how to import stories/Epics etc. into Portfolio 2.0

Anders Baisgaard June 13, 2016


I'm trying on the new Portfolio 2.0 for Cloud.

But I can't seem to import tickets during planning. I'm allowed in the creation of a plan, where you choose the JIRA-projects and releases.

But after that I can't find an import button like in the old version, and it doesn't seem to automatically import issues(unless they should be treated special to get auto-imported)


Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated?

5 answers

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Answer accepted
Rhys Christian
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2016

Hi Anders,

Portfolio 2.0 has replaced the import workflow with an "Issue source" model. The issue sources are the projects/boards/filters that you define as the issues to bring into Portfolio and remain synchronized with JIRA.

The steps in the plan creation wizard will ask you to select the issue sources from JIRA, relevant fix versions/releases and particular issues you want to exclude/include. Once this has been configured issues will automatically be brought in from JIRA including new issues as they're added to the source from outside Portfolio.

Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this.



0 votes
Nico Overproof
August 20, 2019

The solution for me to find "done" tickets in my Portfolio plan was the "Resolution" state of the ticket but there is a catch: the new Jira UI doesn't show Resolution, and even after switching to the old version doesn't let you edit the Resolution. 

What I end up doing was:

  1. Edit my Screen Schema to display Resolution into it (
  2. In the old user interface change the Resolution of the ticket I wanted to show in portfolio to Done (https://XXXXX?oldIssueView=true)

Good luck!

0 votes
Matthew Hillier
January 31, 2017

I'm trying to bootstrap a new plan for an existing project, and everything seems fine except that stories that have already been completed don't seem to be included in the import. As a result everything is showing as 0% progress, which is very wrong smile

Is that intended, or something I'm doing wrong?



Michael Fisher September 11, 2017

I am also having this problem

Michael Fisher September 11, 2017

figured this out

Maneesha Syea June 17, 2018

Hi @Michael Fisher,

So how did you resolve it?



Michael Fisher June 18, 2018

@Maneesha Syea

I found another thread somewhere in Atlassian Community that talked about the filters that determine which closed issues appear in Portfolio at all. By default, it only shows closed issues in the current sprint, but using the filters at the top of the page you can change that to display based on custom date ranges.

0 votes
Anders Baisgaard June 23, 2016

Hi again Rhys

Nevermind, I just located the wizard through the configure menu on the plan

Thanks again

Have a nice day

0 votes
Anders Baisgaard June 23, 2016

Hi Rhys

Thank you for the answer.
How do I configure/edit which projects/boards/filters after I've created the plan. I realize that I can configure it in the creation wizard, as you mention. But any changes after that, I can't seem to find where to configure?



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