display TEAM from Roadmap in KANBAN Board Jira

Patrick Spendlhofer October 13, 2021

Hi, it is not possible to display our team from the Roadmap in our Jira Kanban board.

I can create a new task in the roadmap with the team - then it is displayed in the Jira board, but when I want to change the team in the task (ticket), the teams from the roadmap will not appear. Do you know how to integrate these fields?


3 answers

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Tammi Sauve
I'm New Here
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October 21, 2021

I am no expert on Adv Roadmaps, but I suspect that the TEAM was created within the plan itself and not as a shared team that can be used external to the plan

Patrick Spendlhofer October 22, 2021


yes - the Team was created in the Advanced Road Map.

Where should I create it, to make it visible in JIRA?

Tammi Sauve
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 22, 2021

So all teams are created in Adv Roadmap, its just a matter of specifying it as private vs shared. By default when you create the plan they are set to private.

This article explains how to convert a private team to shared. (The link says cloud but it works on hosted versions too, I just checked our instances and confirmed )

Convert plan-only team to a shared team in Advanced Roadmaps | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

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Philipp Barry
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 21, 2021

Hi Patrick,

Please find more information on adding fields to Jira agile boards cards: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/customize-cards/

This works for the "Team" field from Advanced Roadmaps as well.

Does this answer your question?

Best regards


Patrick Spendlhofer October 22, 2021

Hi Philipp, 

thank you for the hint. I provided it to ou admin, he said this will not work in our case. 

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Patrick Spendlhofer October 13, 2021

For better understanding my question:

We created Teams in our Advanced Roadmap and grouped our Tasks with the Teams:


So the Tasks are displayed under our Team "Bilanzierung".

This is just working because I created the task via Roadmap - Create issue


When I do the changes and transport them to our Board, it is correctly displayed:



But when I want to Change the Team, it will not find my Roadmap Teams....
Also not when I want to create a Task out from the Jira Board...




Maybe someone of you, knows how to make them visible or even how we can display them?


Thank you in advance!

KR Patrick

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