Why can't I see Story progress rolled up to Initiative in the Program Scope view?

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March 2, 2018

The Program View only shows levels of Initiative and Epic (no Story), though Story percentage is shown in the child Epic progress.

  • IMTPORT-1 Initiative shows 33% yellow (In Epic In Progress) and 66% blue (2 Epic To Do)
  • IMTPROG-1 child Epic shows 50% green (1 Child Story Done) and 50% yellow (1 Child Story In Progress) 


However, the Plan View shows all 3 levels, and therefore the correct % of progress:

image.pngWhy this inconsistency? Is this a known issue? Or should I file a Bug/Feature request?

Thanks in advance.



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Roi Fine
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2018

Hi @apusysadmins,


This is an expected behaviour.

A program is a high-level view that helps you track status and progress across multiple plans in Portfolio for Jira. Practically, it shows you all initiatives(and higher up issue types) status break down down to the epic level. 

Taking performance considerations we decided to go down to the epic level when we designed the feature. Rolling up thousands of issues has a UX price with loading time.

If you wish to have a more granular view, you can use a Portfolio plan where you get percentage completion.

More details about program feature functionality could be find here

Keen to hear your thoughts,


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