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Why, after accepting an auto-schedule, do team capacities not change?

Andrew McCall
I'm New Here
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May 15, 2019

Jira Portfolio 3.0, new experience.


My team are starting to use Jira Portfolio 3.0.  When we run an auto-schedule, the plan shows some teams are over capacity in certain future sprints. OK.  But if we accept the suggested changes, then the same team capacity changes do not seem to persist in the plan.

This is what we see before accepting an auto-schedule:


and this  what we see after:




Are we missing something?

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 24, 2019

Hi Andrew,

we'll need more information to help you find the root cause of this issue, so I've created a Support ticket for you, you should have received a notification in your inbox. The Portfolio team will contact you and continue assisting you.

If you need anything else in the meantime, let us know!

Best regards,


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