Where is Scheduled Start populated from

Richard Smart February 27, 2018

It appears to be completely random - can someone explain where Scheduled Start, Scheduled end are populated from? They dont appear to be pulled from the issues...



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Krista Parker February 27, 2018

The scheduled start and end should work with scheduling factors that Portfolio takes into account when scheduling issues. So in the configuration options, you have all of those constraints and dependency scheduling sections--there is an algorithm that looks at the issues, issue estimates, and resources and then schedules the start and end date. 

Richard Smart February 28, 2018

Hi Krista, thats interesting.  so how best to build in certain factors, dependencies not known to Jira?  How best would you ensure that a specific start date for a story is adhered to & included in the schedule - for example waiting for a press release or new legislation or delivery of hardware?

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