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Where can I find who created each plan in Portfolio?

Lincoln Dwight
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June 20, 2019

We've had a bit of turnover and I need to clear out some of the "dead wood" currently causing confusion in our Jira instance. There are a several dormant Portfolio Plans I'd like to delete and need to know who each "owner" is. 

Thank you.

1 answer

2 votes
Roi Fine
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

Hi @Lincoln Dwight ,


I don't have a great answer here, because their is no concept of an "owner" to a plan. The best thing you could do is to go to the plan>configure>permissions. In that view you would see who has edit permissions. 


I hope that helps,


Roi | Product Manager

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