Webinar: Making Portfolio for JIRA work for your team

Alli Campofranco
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June 14, 2017

Let's face it. Keeping track of statuses and making sure plans are up to date across multiple teams is tough. Join our webinar to learn how Portfolio for JIRA can work for the team on the ground to the executive suite. Plus, get tips and tricks for long-term agile planning using other Atlassian tools.

Please come with questions! There will be a live Q&A section hosted by Portfolio for JIRA Product Manager Bree Davies.

Register: https://www.atlassian.com/webinars/software/making-portfolio-for-jira-work-for-your-team?partnerref=community-post

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Cynthia Lee June 5, 2019

Was the cheat sheet from this presentation ever posted anywhere. I would love to get a copy.

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