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User stories disappear from the roadmap view

John Baker October 27, 2022

I created a roadmap consisting of sagas, epics and user stories. This has been in use for around 6 months. Now certain user stories are no longer being displayed in the roadmap although they are still displayed in the "issues in epic" section of the parent epic. This seems to only affect stories with status "resolved". When I clone the disappeared story it is displayed as it should be even though the status is still resolved.

Is there perhaps some logic which removes resolved issues from the roadmap after a certain period of time? If so can I disable that somehow? 

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John Baker October 28, 2022

I found this comment to a related issue from @Roi Fine :

"The Advanced Roadmap plan filters out issues that were already resolved. The default is filtering issues that were resolved more than 30 days ago. You can change that to any time you'd like it. Just go to the plan configuration and select issue sources in the side nav. "

Sorry about the dumb question, but where do I find the plan configuration?

John Baker October 28, 2022

All good, found the configuration and changed the time period to 365 days.

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