Themes report difference between "Estimate" and "Actual"

Diogo Ribeiro April 2, 2019



In Themes report what is the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual"?


From documentation:

- Estimate: Sums up all backlog items labeled by theme and calculates the percentage relative to all backlog item estimates.
- Actual: The actual percentage is the portion of currently scheduled work that has that theme assign to it.


1. In estimate, does it sum number of backlog items or it considers story points estimation?

2. In actual, scheduled work is work in progress?


1 answer

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Diogo Ribeiro April 4, 2019

From what I was able to investigate:
1. In estimate, it sums the items which story points were added and were not closed

2. In actual, it sums items with story points which were closed.

Not estimated or zero points items are not taken into consideration. 

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