While configuring my portfolio tool, I would like to provide to managers a quick view on each team member occupation, so they can check the capacity of their team members.
The final idea of this demand is to import the report page in Confluence, providing the live report of domain's capacity for quick decisions.
Currently, we work with domain teams, who have the responsibility of solutions documentation, maintenance, etc. Those teams have a line manager, to whom I want to provide the capacity report.
From those teams, every member can be part of project teams, developing new solutions for a given period. In this situation, their capacity is mostly on project team, and less in their domain team.
In my portfolio plan, I inserted both domain and project teams, both as shared teams.
In the capacity report, if I select the view "people", I find a list with people by project, meaning one line per person per project.
What I would like to get is one line per domain member, with a graph for each period (sprint?). In my report, I also want to have the members of the domain team only (so exclude the member of the same projects who are from another domain team).
Example in my view :
1. Having only Sébastien and DEV1 in my view
2. Exclude DEV 2 from my view
3. Concatenate Sébastien's capacity for his 2 projects in one line (and same for other team members in the same view) something like this :
Does Portfolio propose such a view ?