Story Points Roll-Up Question/Issue

Alison Clough
August 7, 2023

We are in the process of adopting Advanced Roadmaps (we are in Data Center). We are noticing some weird behavior with the Story Points roll-up. We have two levels above Epic in our Hierarchy ("Project" and then "Program" above that). When we enable roll-up of Story Points at the Project and Program level, the roll-up value includes not only the roll-up value of the epics beneath, but also includes the estimated points value in the roll-up. For example, we have a "Project" with two epics under it. One epic has a roll-up of value 20 pts. The other has a roll-up value of 96 pts but also has an estimate value of 97 pts. The total roll-up on the Project level is "213 pts", not the 116 pts we would expect to see. We assume the estimate is just there for reference once you are rolling up. Is there something we are doing wrong or is it working as intended? 


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Clark Everson
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August 7, 2023

Hi Allison,

The only thing i can think of is you are filling in the estimate values in the epics themselves rather than only the stories under the epics, or have some automation some where doing this. Also maybe could be subtasks as well.




Alison Clough
August 9, 2023

We are putting estimates on the epics. Our expectation was that we could put an estimate on an epic and then, once stories have been fleshed out and sized, that we could switch to a roll-up at the epic level but still see the original epic estimate. AR appears to be including the epic roll-up number as well as the estimate in the roll-up above the epic. Any thoughts on how to still allow the original epic estimate to still be visible in AR without it being included in the roll-up totals? Guessing we would need to create a new epic original estimate field, or something like that, to house the estimate.

Daniel Capizzi
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 28, 2023

Hi @Alison Clough

The behaviour you've described is what we expect to happen when rolling up estimates - we calculate the rolled-up estimate for the epic as the sum of the issues below it, as well as the estimate for the epic itself.

Creating a new original estimate field would definitely be the best way to keep visibility on the initial estimate you've given the epic without interfering with the roll-up calculations.

Hope this helps - please feel free to let me know if there's anything else I can help clarify!



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