Should Portfolio be able to handle team members appearing in multiple teams?

Jason Coutermarsh
June 28, 2016

In Portfolio 2.0 at least, it appears that if a user is on multiple teams, their capacity will be used completely on each team. In other words, if the user is on 2 teams, they will get scheduled into two issues simultaneously (one for each team), utilizing 200% of their time. Is this expected operation?

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Allard van Helbergen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 28, 2016

Hi Jason,

Yes, this is the expected behaviour. You will need to define how many hours the person spends on which team by filling in the weekly hours under the team-specific availability in their details panel. This gives you the most flexibility in planning and allows you to experiment with what-if scenarios.

For more details have a look here:


Jason Coutermarsh
June 29, 2016

I was hoping that Portfolio would notice when a resource is overallocated. I have a few resources, typically testing, that bounce between projects, so fixing their hours per project doesn't make sense. If Portfolio had a Global Weekly Hours option, as well as the current Team-specific Weekly Hours, it would be able to determine when a resource is overallocated and schedule out accordingly. That would seem to make more sense to me than just letting resources become committed to way more time than they could possibly do, which leaves it to the Portfolio user to notice this has occurred.

Josh Doolan
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October 19, 2016


This is a bit frustrating. For us It's really unlikely that a resource is solely going to on the one the one team.... not being able to calculate utilisation of a single user between multiple teams is a deal breaker for us unfortunately sad

Eugenio Villarreal
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November 8, 2016

Same scenario as Jason and Josh, I agree and share their frustration.

I have a team of 12 people who work on varios projects and multiple sprints within those projects. I'd like to be able to define one or two teams which arse assigned to multiple boards and projects.

I myself manage, design and develop, and find it unnatural to place myself under a different team for every different board I make.

Steven F Behnke
Rising Star
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November 8, 2016

I'm confused – This IS possible.

Set them on a team, give them a start date, and modify their weekly hours. If you need to add skills to represent work on Managing, Design, or Developing then so be it.

Josh Doolan
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November 8, 2016

@steven behnk yes but at the end of the day one of the primary purposes of this tool is to assist in scheduling the portfolio of your projects. You may be perfectly happy for a resource to give 100% capacity to both teams where required and priorities at an epic and story level (manged in portfolio) dictate when they are to be allocated to to these & when. At the moment, they are potentially in 2 places at the one time..... it's a global capacity consideration we're referring to here.

Steve Behnke [] November 8, 2016

I'll have to test something out, I was under the impression that this was easily supported but I may not be correct.

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