Set up view to connect themes -> initiatives -> epics -> stories

Tricia Maia
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February 4, 2019

I'm looking to set up a template or view that will connect themes -> initiatives -> epics -> stories across multiple product areas. The idea would be to allow individual pods of sub-products or feature areas to continue managing their SCRUM backlogs but in a way that can latter up their work to higher level initiatives and themes across all our team's product areas. This would be used for group clarity on what everyone is working on as well as for executive and broader organization reporting.

What's the best way to do this?

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Gabriele Franck
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 11, 2019

Hi, Tricia

Those product areas have different projects in your Jira?

If so, Portfolio allows you to select more than one project per plan. You can use all those projects as Issue Source of your plan.

The only thing that you need to pay attention is that you can only load 5000 issues per plan, otherwise you'll see an error message and your plan won't load.


Let me know if this helps!


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