Problems importing Epics into Portfolio

Tommy Janszen December 22, 2015

1.When I import already existing Epics into JIRA Portfolio, the Stories are not imported. I am not able to select the dropdown to see the stories that are contained within that Epic.

2. The total estimate for the Epics (a sum of the story points of the stories which make up the Epic) is also not imported. 


What am I doing wrong?

5 answers

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Answer accepted
Jamie Cole December 23, 2015

Tom the JQL you use for your import should state issuetype=story and when the import window opens tick 'Import Parent Epic'


Tommy Janszen December 28, 2015

Thanks Jamie. This was very helpful.

2 votes
Deleted user August 8, 2017

I'm having a similar problem in portfolio 2.0.  I am importing the epics, but there are stories that are getting imported that don't show up under the epic link.  They show up as stories without a parent task, but when I go to the actual JIRA, there is clearly the epic link.  

0 votes
Deleted user March 17, 2016


We have exactly the same requirement. It would much more simplify the import process, when the importer could be able to import related issues as well e.g. by epic -> all contained stories, by story -> the parent epic.

Best Regards,


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Shane Deam
I'm New Here
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February 19, 2016

I have the same issue as Tommy describes and demonstrates in his video.

Essentially, it appears the import doesn't traverse all the sub-issues underneath the selected Epic.

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Chander Inguva
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December 22, 2015

Hey Tommy,

                        I have generated sample data and below are the step by step process to create and link issues from portfolio into JIRA project.


  • Click on Epics Tab to check if you have all epics and issues created.





  • Click on InitiativeS Tab and click on drop down next to Initiative and click on Create and link new issues.
  • Select JIRA project and issue types for Initiative/Epic/Stories as shown below

Hope this finds helpful



Chander Inguva



Tommy Janszen December 23, 2015

This isn't really my problem. I am having issues importing Epics and the corresponding stories that make up that epic are not showing in Portfolio. I have created a video which will show you the issue I am having. Thanks again for your help!

Shane Deam
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 19, 2016

I have the same issue as Tommy describes and demonstrates in his video.

Essentially, it appears the import doesn't traverse all the sub-issues underneath the selected Epic.


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