Portfolio Live Plan Backup

Marco Pazzanese June 21, 2017

In the old classic plan, We were able to backup a plan (via export/import feature).

How can we do it with Live Plan?


2 answers

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mpazz June 22, 2017


thanks for the answer, I will vote.

Do you know alternative way to make a backup? How can I say to a customer that we can't have a backup?

Do you think a backup of al AO tables on DB will be sufficient?


thancks again


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 21, 2017

Hi Marco,

There is a feature request to add the option to import/export on Live plans that you can find at JPOSERVER-1742 for server and JPOCLOUD-1742 for Cloud.  Please vote on the issue so you can be notified of any updates, workarounds or fixes.



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