Jira tickets created from Advanced Roadmaps are not in ascending numerical order based on rank

Jeff Levy February 22, 2024

I am a big fan of the Advanced Roadmaps.  We use it to quickly build our plan, assign tasks, and dates.  But when I click review changes to actually turn the line items into real jira tickets, it seems to create it from the bottom up (i.e. the last task has the lowest jira ticket number, which is counter intuitive).  I have tried sorting the tasks to make sure that they are in the correct order, but the numbering still comes out the same (backwards).  Is there a setting that I am missing?


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Geethanjali R
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2024

Hi @Jeff Levy

I tested this on my end and yes, when saving the Issues created on an Advanced Roadmap plan back to Jira, the Issue created last on the Plan would be created first in Jira. And it assumes the lowest Issue key number. 

As and when the Issues are created on the plan, they're added to the placeholder "Review changes". And when the changes are saved to Jira, the Issues are created in LIFO order. 

There is no setting to change this and it looks like it is designed to work this way. 


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