I don't have the option to "Import Release" inside JIRA Portfolio.

John Lee
I'm New Here
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July 27, 2015

For some reason, I don't get the "Import Release" button on my screen. My project has quite a few Versions already defined. Maybe I missed a step to correlate Versions to a Release?


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Martin Suntinger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 27, 2015

Hey John, this is interesting - there should not be any step you missed. Importing releases (which we use synonymously with the versions in JIRA) should work straight away after creating a plan. 

Could this be an older version of JIRA Portfolio? (release import was introduced with Portfolio 1.8), also the latest release should show the button for CSV export. You can check the version via the help menu in the blue JIRA header next to the search, in the "About JIRA" dialog there should be a section on Portfolio as well. 

If it is not an older version, I'd recommend opening a support ticket

image2015-7-28 9:35:50.png

John Lee
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 27, 2015

My version is 1.7.3. I don't have the option to upgrade to 1.8. I am on a trial version at the moment so I don't know if 1.8 is available with the trial. Also, my instance of JIRA is hosted locally so I don't know if that impacts what version we get

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