How to surface epics through linked Initiatives in Portfolio Scope View

Ken Hutchinson
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February 28, 2018

I have followed the JIRA recommendation to create a dedicated project for my Initiatives.  I can see them in the Portfolio scope view.  My Epics are within the individual projects separate from the Initiatives project.  How can I link them so that the Epics now appear in the portfolio view?  The initiatives show with no Epics, though if you open the Epics in their respective projects, you can see the parentLink is set to the Portfolio Initiative project's Initiative issue.  They just don't show.

Portfolio Source = Initiative Project

Initiatives are linked to Epics that live in separate projects (multiple projects needed to deliver an initiative).

Thanks for the help!

1 answer

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David Stone
February 28, 2018

Hello Ken, welcome. 

I have a similar setup, Initiatives and Epics live in separate projects.  I create a board that pulls from Initiatives (centrally managed) and Epics from all my dependent teams' projects.  That board becomes the source for my Portfolio plan. 

Hope this helps.


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